Tech Transformation
Tech Transformation with Consumer Goods Technology (CGT) explores the tech trends and innovation shaping the retail, CPG, and consumer goods industries. Listen for insights in digital transformation, data analytics, retail technology, consumer engagement, IT integration, e-commerce, cloud technology and computing, supply chain, and more.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
We’re talking with Nicole Nelson, most recently SVP of decision science, data science, and applied machine learning at Best Buy, about lessons for successful transformations, including running through a list of lessons. We’re also giving a sneak preview of Analytics Unite 2022, held June 21-23 in Chicago (
Listen to learn:
•How technology and analytics transformation are different yet one in the same
•How technology and data science teams can work together for successful transformations
•What a sideliner is, how to know one when you see one, and how they can advance your mission
•Why having shared goals is so important (yet often so challenging)
•How to identify your blind spots and help your team identify their own – and then how to move past them
•A sneak preview of Nelsons’ Analytics Unite keynote

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
In this episode of Tech Transformation, we’re talking about the metaverse and what it might actually mean for retailers and consumer goods. We’re talking with Mike Proulx, VP Research Director at Forrester Research, about their new State of the Metaverse Report.
We dig into:
•Myths and realities of the metaverse•Why this isn’t just for gamers •How retailers need to prepare•What brands risk by experimenting (or not) •What hiring for the metaverse looks like right now•What this has to do with Web3 •When this all might start to feel a little more “real”

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
In this episode of Tech Transformation, we’re talking about the future of personalization – both in stores and online. We’re talking with Tyler Wozny, Chief Digital Officer for Madison Reed, the hair color brand and retailer that’s using technology to do some pretty awesome things in consumer engagement.Listen as we dig into such topics as:**Where it makes sense to use augmented reality – and where it can become a gimmick**How Madison Reed is using machine learning to leverage its 20 million consumer profiles**The KPIs it uses to measure success**How it’s continuing to disrupt as larger CPGs level-up their own personalization capabilitiesWhy choosing a tech partner can sometimes feel a little bit like using Tinder.

Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
In this episode of Tech Transformation, we sit down with Seth Goldman, co-founder of Eat the Change, Honest Tea, and PLNT Burger, to break down some of the differences of innovating in a startup vs. a giant company. We talk about what it’s like trying to balance conscious consumption with making a profit in the food space, and we discuss greenwashing in the consumer goods industry.
Other topics discussed with Goldman, who also sits on the board of Beyond Meat: •What it’s like for Goldman being back in a more start-up, entrepreneurial role, and those "hindsight is 20/20" moments he’s drawing from •Why launching a kid’s version of Honest Tea was so impactful and how he’s using that perspective now •The differences between re-doing food and un-doing food, and what’s required for brands to be successful •The making of Eat the Change’s newest product innovation, Cosmic Carrot Chews•How CPGs can balance greenwashing with the value of achieving incremental progress •The challenge and importance of balancing conscious consumption with operating and generating profits in the food space

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
In this episode of Tech Transformation, we’re continuing our deep dive into the role that security plays in today’s retail and consumer goods environments. This is part three of our three-part series that’s sponsored by Microsoft, and we’re once again talking with Jim Eckart, Chief Security Advisor for Microsoft. We dig into the role of security in the supply chain, including the different challenges and risks — and just what motivates cyberattackers. We also break down the ways retailers can protect themselves, as well as how accountability for operational security is changing.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
In this episode of Tech Transformation with CGT and RIS News, we’re talking about learning to scale, both your tech stack and your tech career. We’re talking with Jason Johnson, CIO of Sweetwater about what’s it’s like moving up the ranks into the CIO role. We’re talking about what makes a strong leader, and we’re digging into pros and cons when it comes to building your own tech in house and what it can mean for the rest of your IT staff. Stay tuned for that and more on this episode of Tech Transformation.

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
In this episode of Tech Transformation, we’re digging deeper into the role that security plays in today’s retail and consumer goods environments. This is part two of our three-part series sponsored by Microsoft, where we’re talking with Jim Eckart, Chief Security Advisor for Microsoft, about today’s most pressing concerns. We’re talking about the new realities of the retail workforce, what they mean for today’s key security challenges, and just some of the things that are keeping retail security experts up at night.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
In this episode of Tech Transformation with CGT and RIS, we talk with Kirk Ball, EVP and CIO of Giant Eagle, about the state of grocery technology and innovation in today’s stores and how things are changing. Ball shares insight into some of the tech today’s retail workforce finds the most valuable, how this has shifted, and the steps Giant Eagle is taking to foster team connections. Also: Listen for perspective on what the metaverse might mean for retailers and more.

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
In this episode of Tech Transformation sponsored by Microsoft, we look at the role that security plays in today’s retail and consumer goods environments. We talk with Jim Eckart, Chief Security Advisor for Microsoft, as part of a three-part series that’s digging into some of today’s most pressing security concerns. In this first part, we explore some of the different concerns retailers might have depending on how they interact with consumers. We talk about the privacy matters that come into play during customer support, and we dig into the technologies that are helping retailers and consumer goods companies reduce their risk of fraud.

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
In this episode of Tech Transformation with CGT and RIS, Senior Editor Lisa Johnston talks with Wakefern Food Corp. CIO Cheryl Williams about the most recent pandemic wave's impact on grocery retailers, and how they’re using their 20/20 hindsight to roll with the new challenges. Williams shares how Wakefern is drawing from the pandemic’s early days to navigate today and previews some of the latest tech innovations they have on the horizon. Listen for insight into the future of checkout-free stores, consumer behavior, and in-store robots.

Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Tech Transformation with CGT and RIS News is a new podcast where we explore the innovative tech strategies and trends in retail and consumer goods.